Friday 26 February 2021

Winter RECAP

 My last blog post was written just after christmas (I forgot to publish it until now) so I thought I would do another post to update on how our first winter as full time mummys to Viv has gone!

It has been AMAZING! We have loved the jobs and the snuggles on a night under the lights. The MUD? Maybe not so much haha!! We got off lightly weather wise right up until January. But then BOY did the snow come! And it stayed for a very long time! It was not only cold and wet. But Icy and dangerous. Viv didn't get out hacking much for a couple of weeks as it was just two icy most days to risk it. 

BUT we have been blessed with a nice warm snap this last week. It has been into double figures at times. Still cold on a night but much warmer during the day. PLUS SUNSHINE! Oh how we all love a bit of sunshine! The only problem with that is MUD and layers on, then layers off! But the hacking has been AMAZING :) 

Here are some pictures of our adventures!

The end of our third lockdown is almost HOPEFULLY OVER!! And we are looking forward to some DRESSAGE (ME) LESSONS (US BOTH) and lots of ADVENTURES WITH FRIENDS . . . Staying safe, of course. I think social distancing will be around for a long time yet! BUT we can at least breathe now knowing there is a breather in sight. Time for a 'LITTLE' bit of normality in a very NOT THAT NORMAL WORLD!!

Guess who joined our family!

 It has been an awful year with Covid. The beginning of LAST year was MAYHEM and HYSTERIA. People panicking. Shelves cleared. Nobody with any clue as to when or what was to come. Media fed the fear, panic ran through society quicker than the virus itself! We were told to stay in. But could also go out. Nobody knew what they were supposed to be doing?!

The year has continued in waves. Right into this year. We were lucky that we were blessed a good spring. The weather was glorious so we  could be out in the garden, also having to go and look after Viv on our days. And when we were given the go ahead to be able to ride again we enjoyed some lovely hacks. 

This Summer we have been on picnic rides to the woods and the river (My friends have been letting me take their horses out sometimes. It saves my legs and meant we could go further and have more fun).

I also entered my first Dressage competition this Summer. We did Prelim 2 and got 60% which i was over the moon with as it was such a wet and windy day and the arena had a SPOOKY puddle at the bottom of it! Haha!

It was a dressage and go event due to the covid restrictions. IT POURED DOWN and it was really windy! The outdoor arena had a fetlock eating monster hidden in the puddle right at C!! We had a few hairy moments the first few times round haha! Luckily they were before the horn went and after that she scrambled through it changing her rhythm though. (She hates getting her feet wet!)

I was over the moon with 60% though. THANKYOU JUDGE! Viv tried her litte heart out for me. The judges comments were really positive.

Also this year I have seen a massive increase in Z's confidence. She has been practicing really hard on her flatwork and her jumping and she has come on leaps and bounds! She especially LOVES polework. And so does Viv it seems! 


Vivienne! OMG we couldnt be happier! We have taken Viv on full loan and it has been AMAZING SO FAR! The daily trips to look after her. Watching the sun go down after school and finishing the yard under the lights in the darkness. SO COZY!

Z Has been brilliant and proves she can be a fantastic horse owner.