Monday 22 October 2018

Fluffy coats and Muddy locks Autumn is in full swing

Autumn is here and WOW . . . 
 . . . It is BEAUTIFUL!!!

We have been blessed with some stunning sunny days where the sun shines through the trees and the yellow and orange tones light up like flames. The beautiful carpet below our feet. Crinkles as we walk. Natures music. The song - Winter is on it's way!

The horses are also getting VERY VERY VERY Fluffy. Each day I'm sure they grow an extra half inch of hair! Viv is like a teddy bear. I love her FLUFFY COAT.

She is getting clipped this week. I love it when they get their first clip of the season. She needs it! Every ride she comes back soaked bless her. Imagine trying to run in a thick coat?! 

We having being making the most of the dry weather and riding when we can. I have been without a camera for some time (My phone fell into water, it never regained consciousness) Ans as my ownly other camera is a DSLR (Certainly not made for riding one handed capturing canters) I have unfortunatly not been able to capture any phtos of our hacks.


Meet 'OLD SAMMY' as i used to call it - Samsung PL170

 (New Sammy is my samsung DSLR NX2000)  I LOVE IT . . . I wont take it hacking!!

Old Sammy died, about three years ago. When it died I was lucky to be gifted my DSLR from my beloved other half. OMG I was over the moon. But the only problem with DLSR is it's not something you wanna just take everywhere. ESPECIALLY HACKING.

SO . . . Desperate for ANY camera that would fit in my pocket and go for hacks until I can get a new camera phone. My very patient other half took it all to pieces and rebuilt it. WOOHOO. IT WORKED.  It's working. I cant use Zoom or it turns off. BUT IT IS WORKING WOOOHOO!

The best thing is it is small enough to fit in my pocket, or hand when holding reins. It has a wrist strap so i dont drop it. And I havent used it yet but i just re-discovered it has a front view camera which will be ideal for selfies in the saddle and vlogging! Let the photography fun begin again!

So where did 'old sammy' go for it's first adventure??

CHOPWELL WOODS! OMG. The Autumn colours were AMAZING. Like fire above our heads and beneath us. On top of that we were blessed to have two Red Kites fly above us. Swooping and gliding so gracefully as we rode below them. I feel privalaged to live so close to such natural beauty. The Derwent valley is incredable!!

We had some lovely long canters and navigated our way around some lovely walkways up and down hills and between trees. I had an amazing time and I'm sure the horses did too.

And here is a video of our ride ~

I hope now to be able to keep my blog updated with our adventures. I cannot live without my camera!! Pop back to see some poodle ponies when they get clipped!

Autumn fluffy ponies are soooo cute though!!

Catch up soon xxx

Saturday 29 September 2018

Whirl wind of a summer

It has been a whirlwind of a summer! 

The weather has been on our side right up until recently. 

This has meant LOT'S of fun, 

heaps of adventures and MANY precious memories!

There is just too many things to list, but there are a few that are so AMAZING I would love to share them with you. 


OMG !!! I was over the moon when i received the call asking if I would like to go to the beach with Viv. I jumped at the chance and couldn't wait to get out in that fresh sea air on horse back.

ALSO ~ Fun with the kids!

 Oh what fun we had this summer!! (L) came to play, he hasn't ridden since we sold our first pony. He was put off by Vivs size in comparison to Sparky who was only 12hh. But once he was on and realised Viv was the best teacher ever and so gentle with him. He loved it. After practicing a little off the leadrein he sharp gained enough confidence to pop a couple of small jumps! Super proud. And Viv was a diamond as always!

And the pets have had fun too!!

 We even got a SECOND TRIP TO THE BEACH!!! After (S) owner had fun on the cross country little (Z) got to ride on the beach and I had a ride on appoloosa 'B' all 17.2hh of her!! She is very forward going but comfy. Its only the 3rd time riding her and I am nervous when on her i think because of her size and also she is very forward going. BUT I am getting more confident on her and one day i hope to take her on a nice hack to really show my nerves I am made of stronger stuff!! (Z) LOVED the beach, she paddled in the water with Viv and enjoyed a hack along the beach off the leadrein with B and Dekota. Such a good day :)

Autumn is in full swing now. The horses are getting FLUFFY Awwwwww!! And soon it will be clipping time! The leaves are beautiful, all the different colours and tones. Walking to school kicking the leaves . . .  PERFECT END TO A PERFECT SUMMER!!

Saturday 30 June 2018

17 days of full time love

We have 17 days where Vivs owner is away on safari . . . 
 . . .  I KNOW, I am jealous too!!

How lucky, 17 days with wild animals, i've insisted on lots of photographs to inspire me to create them in acrylics. I cant wait to paint a giraffe in its natural habitat just chilling, eating, doing whatever it is giraffes do hahaha!!

While (S) Owner is away (S) ME - Loaner is in charge with Mini human. This is exciting. We have so much planned. I HAVE MANY HACKS PLANNED. A picnic may be needed! We need to keep her fit for her owner. Plus well loved, groomed and cared for. We simply cannot wait!! We love our mare!

Our day will be. Finish school, then tea quickly made and eaten. When daddy is home from work to look after mini (L). Me loaner (S) and mini human (Z) will enjoy a couple of hours at the yard with our favourite girlie. Lots of grooming. Lots of love, some exercise and lots of cuddles !!

And also LOVE for this girlie too, who will be missing her mummy so much !! She is such a sweety!

Thursday 21 June 2018

Summer in full swing

Summer is in full swing.
The weather is breezy, at times cold.

I sit here tonight reflecting on the last few weeks. So much has been achieved. Both me and Mini me have had a blast. Overcome some of our demons. Expanded on our skills. 

Mini me (Z) has been practicing hard on her balance, today we had a lunge session where she trotted with her arms out to the side. We started with one arm at a time and then built up to two. I didnt get any photos. I was too busy doing the mam thing and getting ready to signal that halt and the instant of a unplanned dismount. Thankfully that didnt happen. Z managed to let go of the saddle and be the steadiest aircraft in the sky. No turbulance in these skies!!

Going back a few days i had a hack out with a friend and her beautiful appoloosa Bee. We enjoyed a trip through woods and we had some long trots and good canters. Including a down hill canter OMG OMG OMG . . . I DID IT.

 I sat back, i sat deep, it wasn't a mountain, it wasn't a mountain, 


I made it. 

Thankfully AND we stopped before a steep decent.  I make it out like it was a mountain. In theory it was steady decent. I must admit, after shitting myself i actually enjoyed it. Hooves below, trees above. the noise, the adrenaline, the need to be HERE . .  NOW . . . IN THIS MOMENT. There is something special about the bridleways around us.

A) You have to find them 
B) you have to navigate them. 

There is always a challenge. But we cannot complain. Its mainly offroad. 

Maybe next time the farrier is out i shall ask for off roading tyres??

Viv is looking so good. Her summer coat is in full swing. She is positively gleaming. Inside and out. 

We have loaned her now for about five month. WE LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!

We are privalaged and so happy to have her in our lives!!

I literally couldnt imagine her not being there!

Catch up soon xxx

Sunday 10 June 2018

Goals and dreams

We each have goals or dreams. However small or large they may seem, they are indeed part of us. They are what makes us 'who we are.' 

Even if they, at the time feel un-achievable. Or too far in the distance. 

They are what they are. Something we long to be. To do. To become. 

And it's within these dreams, goals, ambitions that we see who we truely are!

We have been having lots of fun with Viv this last week. It has been the school holidays so after the OH finished work Me and Mini Me (Z) have been able to go and spend time with Viv and not needed to worry about times to be home for baths, and bed for school. Mini me (L) also had a day with us at the stables and he seemed to really enjoy it. He used to be very keen but now he is a tween (Eeee that rhymes hahaha!!) Anyways, im ever hopeful he comes back to it. I wont force it, i just suggest and hope.

You can see our fun on our You tube channel ~ 


Saturday 2 June 2018

Just enjoying the SUN

The weather has been GLORIOUS . . . Summer is HERE :)

(L) Had a ride on Viv this week. He used to ride but lost interest. Seeing him smiling as he plodded about in walk and trot made me really happy. He says he wants to ride again . . . That makes me 

SMILE  . . . 
 . . .  LOTS!!

Even Zeus came for the adventure

Deli delights . . . Spring time is full of yummyness Viv says!!

Near the stables are horses with long ears . . .  DONKEYS. SO CUTE!!!

Catch up soon 'S' xxx

Monday 28 May 2018

Hacking into Summer

Lots of hacking kept company by good friends and Mr Sunshine 

We have been on many an adventure, listened to many a tweet of a birds sing song and had a JOLLY GOOD TIME!! Of course always helped by MR SUNSHINE!!

Saturday 19 May 2018

Spring in our step

Spring is here, the sun is shining, and the grass is as green as a childs painting.
And EVERYONE even the animals have a SPRING in their STEP!!

We have been enjoying the sunshine we have been blessed with lately. Some days it reaches over 20 degrees and after such a long winter it feels so good. Most days there has been a welcomed summer breeze. Cooling us down from the sun which has its biggest brightest hat on. When the weather is like this you really can't help but to be outside in it. Im forever finding excuses to avoid being indoors. My washing pile is completely gone as the washing line has been in full swing! There is something ever so pleasing about washing on a washing line. Lined up dancing in the breeze. I love it!

The pets have enjoyed the sun also. Harry Hopper has been allowed out for a couple of hours since i blocked off his entry to the underneath of the shed. ( This rabbit is as soft as clarts, He is happy to be picked up and held and he is no problem to catch in the house or in his hutch and run. However when he is free in the garden he avoids being caught because i'm sure he wants "Just five more minutes!") I was stroking him and taking photos of him in the garden today, he played happy with Zeus (our Dog) and Ember (our cat) . . . The minute i made the conscious decision to pop him back into his hutch and run he turned into a thumping racehorse, doing laps of the garden refusing to even look at his open door to his run. Eventually he went back in. And then he snoozed all afternoon.

So how is Viv?

Well she is enjoying the grass thats for sure! The grass has been thriving this last week or so and all the horses have been head down and enjoying it.

Mini human has been enjoying her riding, and is practicing hard on her position and keeping her hands still.

We both love her so much:

I have been trying to keep practicing what i learned from my last lesson. Keeping the horse in front of me and feeling for the energy between us. 

LIVE . . . LOVE . . . RIDE . . .