Sunday 29 April 2018

XC Training day

So this weekend was XC training. Mini Me and I  went to watch and then both were privalaged to get the chance to ride at the end!! OMG. This weekend i have faced many demons . . . One was a crosspole. The next was a LOG!The Log led onto a few other XC fences and before i had the chance to say chomped carrots i was jumping 4 jumps about knee height hhahaha!! Im sure i will grow in confidence in time!

Mini me had a ride too, she jumpd some of the smaller fences and LOVED the water jump! Together we were supa dupa proud of ourselves!

To see our progress pop along and subscribe to our You tube channel . . . 'abovestandardadventure'

Catch you soon xx

Wednesday 18 April 2018

Mix up led to adventures!

Sometimes a mix up can lead to 

an unplanned jolly good adventure!!

So on Saturday we left at lunch to go Showjumping. Well not me and Mini Me as we are not really ready for jumping, but Viv's owner (sam) takes her showjumping and we tag along because we LOVE the whole atmosphere of it. From getting the horses ready to watching them strut their stuff in the ring over the fences. We also love the buzz you get if one of the horses you take gets a rosette. And even if they don't, there is still a buzz. An inspiration. They put 110% into something rosette or none, MY WORD ITS AN ACHIEVEMENT. Something I myself wish i could do. Unfortunately after a gap from riding i am just coming back into it and i'm not ready or balanced enough for jumping just yet. Me and Mini me both dream of the day we can manage our first clear round class! OMG I can just imagine the buzz we will both get from it.

So we arrived at the venue at around lunchtime giving us 1/2 hr or so for tack up and warm up. So following sam and her friend to go register in the class we were then informed . . . 

Today is BSJA. 
We did wonder why the fences seemed so high?!!

Can you believe it, we went on the wrong day. 

Unaffiliated was Sunday not Saturday!

Ah, Ummmmm, OK. So what now? The horses all ready to strut their stuff. All groomed. A horsebox journey to a destination that was pointless. SO . . . 


Local to the event was a beautiful forest which is set out for walkers, mountain bikers, and horses. It is stunning!! We parked the horsebox and tacked up the horses. Sam and her friend went off on a hack and Mini Me and I played at the park, and went for a nice walk and played in the river. We even met the GRUFFALO!

The time flew over and before we knew it the girls were back. 

Then it was Mini Me's time for a little short hack :)

The horses were rather smart in their SJ gear for their hack through the woods. They were rather MUDDY on their return hahahaa!! :D 

But muddy horses are HAPPY HORSES :)